About us
At RPPT, we strive to foster an atmosphere of unity and love. We assure you that you will feel a warm sense of belonging every time you attend our services. Given the opportunity, we will happily guide you in experiencing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, enabling you to live a victorious life through Jesus Christ.
Our Mission and Purpose
Our passion is to see everyone connected to this ministry healed, transformed, and enriched to live balanced lives through a greater understanding of the Word of God, worship, and the work of ministry (i.e. evangelism and the use of your talents). We believe so strongly in the work of ministry that we only have one type of member – “working members only”. Working connects you to the ministry and enables you to submit your gifts and talents for service as unto the Lord. To empower you and I to discover, develop, release and maximize our potentials in God.
It is our desire that within these pages you will find ministries that meet the needs of you and your family; and should you choose to worship with us, it is our prayer that you will have a “Jesus Christ Experience” you will never forget.
God bless you!
Revelation Praise Prayer Tower Ministries, embrace Godly core values and practices. Just as a tree draws vital moisture and nourishment through its roots, our ministry has roots that transmit the life of Jesus into everything we do. These roots, or core values, are the things that we do all the time — at every stage in the life of our ministry. God’s Word- We continually learn God’s Word and put it into practice!
We value biblical truth as the only foundation for the identity and mission of the body of Christ, so Scripture will be held in high regard and will be the basis of all that RPPT teaches.
We value evangelism as we strive to reach everyone with love by passionately sharing the gospel.
.We value the five-fold ministry of apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist and pastor.
We value prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, prayer and deliverance and other gifts of the Spirit to operate in our services.
We value discipleship as we seek to grow into Christ-likeness by helping teenagers develop Christian HABITS (Have a Daily Quiet Time, A Daily Time of Prayer, Bible Reading & Bible Study, involvement in the Church, Tithing, Scripture Memory) that are essential in equipping us to practice the faith.